Monday, July 16, 2007

Blogging for work

Corporate blogs are the new thing. This is a Marketing Blog to explore the potential in HRI for Blogs as a form of communication within teams and for their invited guests . The Marketing team will routinely update this site as a form of running diary of our work . It may be of interest to others in HRI especially where we overlap as in visits to racecourses.

It will at least keep a record of activities which could feed into monthly reports. It should also serve as a calendar of events so that those who need to know will see where marketing people are at any given time and what the current. We will also post useful photographs of racecourses and marketing receptions and events.

There should also be scope to invite ideas,suggestions and comments re the marketing of racing and draw in others who are digitally savvy for their thoughts as to how this might develop.

It could also serve as a way to capture stories within HRI that may have publicity value by way of press release or briefing to journalists

1 comment:

Michael said...

Just added a twitter update facility to the site which should work well as a diary/log in running. Will confine twitters to Marketing events or appointments at first. Twitter msgs could have links to web pages or files with more content on the area or race meeting referred to .

Next - trying to work out team access to blog and twitter and a reminder to hassle twitter for an ROI phone line